4 Quotes & Sayings By George P Morris

George P. Morris is the author of over thirty-five books, including The Great Adventure, His Own Man, Stalemate, Stalemate II, Stalemate III, Stalemate IV, Stalemate V, Stalemate VI, The Story of the World War I Flying Corps , Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire , The Roman Army , Roman Weapons and Roman Warfare , The Roman Legions , Roman Ships , Roman Warships , Roman Roads , Roman Warfare , Roman Law and Government , Roman Society and Roman Families . He is President of The George P. Morris Research Trust Read more

The flag of our Union forever! George P. Morris
Woodman spare that tree! Touch not a single bough! In youth it sheltered me And I'll protect it now. George P. Morris
The union of lakes - the union of lands - The union of States none can sever - The union of hearts - the union of hands - And the flag of our union for ever! George P. Morris